Publisher's Synopsis
Can You See Me? NEW RELEASE. Brie Lucas lives in Charleston, SC and is a strong and independent widow, counselor, and relationship coach. She says, '60 is the New 50.' Written for women and men starting over, and their grown children. Dramatic moment when she takes clip out of her hair. Shakes her head in defiance, and hair falls down. Her grown son will not decide who she can date or love. Created music soundtrack/playlist classic R & B tunes, Rock n' Roll hits, and Christian Contemporary songs. I mention song titles and artists, but no lyrics. Good takeaway for all everyone. Read book at your own pace, or read a few chapters at a time, and schedule a life coaching session. Author is a Life Coach Starting Over, & Relationship Coach. I have written two novels about starting over, and all three of my books are about relationships. Story setting is Charleston, South Carolina.