Publisher's Synopsis
The U.S. has characterized China as a competitor. The Trump Administration had launched trade war and technology sanction against China escalating the tension between the two nations to the highest level since they formally recognized each other. Biden won the 2020 U.S. presidential election denying Trump's "Make America Great Again" and wanted to bring the U.S. to normal diplomacy. Since Biden's inauguration, he is indeed releasing a message, "America is back" to the world by appointing many of his cabinet officials who served during the Obama era and by reversing 22 executive orders that Trump had signed. With COVID-19 corona virus still rampant causing over 450,000 deaths in the U.S. making her the number one nation on the COVID death toll list compiled by the WHO. The U.S. economy is under stress with unemployment over ten million people. The new U.S. Administration could not help but place domestic issues on higher priority to be dealt with. However, the damage on foreign relations especially the U.S.-China relation has been done and worse there is an anti-China sentiment, not necessarily justified in the business world, but never the less existed in the U.S. Congress influenced by the sensation-seeking media. This anti-China sentiment can be heard and seen from the confirmation process for Blinken, Secretary of State, Sullivan, National Security Advisor, and others (their answers to harsh questions regarding US-China relation), despite of Biden's message that the China policy shall be dealt with "patience". But China is the only country that has managed to control the COVID pandemic after taking a strict lock-down measure to stop the spread of virus in Wuhan. Despite of the rhetoric and blame game the U.S. Administration had hurled at China, her rapid development and efficient production of vaccines have been contributing significantly to the solution of stopping the pandemic (if not more so than the American or European efforts). It appears that the recovery of the world economy including that of the U.S. may be dependent on China whose economic recovery is projected to be 6-8% by the IMF. Therefore, it is a serious matter for the U.S. to quickly readdress her China policy. Did the U.S. have a calculated strategy to face the competition from China since the Obama era? Did Trump-Pompeo carry out such a strategy or their own strategy if there is one with unorthodox diplomacy leading the two nations to rivalry unnecessarily? Should the U.S. consider a new approach, call it "Co-Competition", to cooperate and compete with China for a realistic win-win outcome? This book collects 50 essays on current events related to the U.S. and China and discuss the question whether the U.S. and China are calculated rivals?