Publisher's Synopsis
Government in Action is the first-stop resource for information on how government processes work. Each classroom-tested simulation collects documentary material on the legislative process, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House media. Library patrons will find an accessible overview of government processes in a format that is not currently available. The series encourages analytical thinking and identification of appropriate sources and content during library research. The simulations not only benefit students but also instructors, who will find the simulations a rich source of classroom-tested tools. A free instructor's manual on how to conduct a classroom simulation is offered on the World Wide Web at This new series allows patrons to engage in research on government by: Identifying with key government roles, such as Speaker of the House; Conducting research on these roles, such as how to introduce legislation; Following and learning government processes, such as how legislation is passed. Buy all 4 volumes in one hardcover edition.;CQ's Legislative Simulation: Government in Action; CQ's Congressional Election Simulation: Government in Action; CQ's Supreme Court Simulation: Government in Action; CQ's White House Media Simulation: Government in Action