Publisher's Synopsis
CAT & MOUSE, FISH, MOTH & SPIDER Four Fables in Persian Sufi Poetry Obeyd Zakani, Shah Da'i, Kasim Anvar & Parvin Etesami Translation & Introduction Paul Smith 'Fable of Mouse & Cat' by Obeyd Zakani is a satirical, epic allegory that was influential at the time it was composed (14th c.) and has remained so for the past 600 years. It is more than just a story for children (that some say brought about the cartoon of Tom & Jerry)... it is a story of the stupidity of the false power of those in power and a warning to all that such blind ambition always leads to destruction at the hands of one even more powerful. Sufi poet Shah Da'i (1406-1464) takes his clue from 'Attar and tells the marvellous allegory of the fish who go in search of an answer to their problem from the Ancient Wise Fish. Kasim Anvar (1356-1433) edited Hafiz's Divan and knew Shah Da'i in Shiraz. His 'Fable of the Moth', like the previous two masnavi poems contains much Sufi wisdom in like the poem by Shah Da'i it is an allegory of the lover's search for the Beloved. Iran's recent great female poet Parvin Etesami (1907-1941) tells the simple but deep allegory of the lazy man and the hard-working spider in such a clever and engrossing way that her reason for telling it is subtle but truly enlightening. Introduction on the Lives, Times & Poetry of each poet. The correct rhymes and meaning are achieved. Illustrated. Large Format Paperback 7" x 10" 199 pages. COMMENTS ON PAUL SMITH'S TRANSLATION OF HAFIZ'S 'DIVAN'."It is not a joke... the English version of ALL the ghazals of Hafiz is a great feat and of paramount importance. I am astonished." Dr. Mir Mohammad Taghavi (Dr. of Literature) Tehran."Superb translations. 99% Hafiz 1% Paul Smith." Ali Akbar Shapurzman, translator of many mystical works in English into Persian. Paul Smith (b.1945) is an Australian poet, author and translator of many books of Sufi poets of the Persian, Arabic, Urdu, Turkish, Pashtu and other languages... including Hafiz, Sadi, Nizami, Rumi, 'Attar, Sana'i, Jahan Khatun, Obeyd Zakani, Mu'in, Amir Khusrau, Nesimi, Kabir, Anvari, Ansari, Jami, Omar, Seemab, Jigar, Hali, Qutub Shah, Lalla Ded, Abu Nuwas, Ibn al-Farid, Ibn 'Arabi, Khushak Khan and others and his poetry, fiction, plays, biographies, children's books and a dozen screenplays.