Publisher's Synopsis
Buzz About Bees is a great overview of all things apiarian. Pick up this book and it engages you with a true/false quiz about what you and your students may or may not know about bees... If you can navigate the BEE-wildering array of apiarian puns, this is a great introduction to all things bees.
-- National Science Teachers Association
Imagine a world without bees. Not only would it be less colorful -- with fewer wildflowers and flowering plants -- it would be less fruitful as well. A world without bees would mean a world where the food supply would be significantly diminished. Global bee researcher Laurence Packer estimates that bees are responsible for 1/3 of our food supply. Accompanying information about the history, social structure and science behind the world of bees and honey are conservation activities to make the world a place where hives of bees can thrive.