Publisher's Synopsis
The National Safety Council data in 2008 recorded that a disabling injury occurs every second on and off the job. This has led to the rise in wage and productivity losses due to unintentional injuries to $364 billion in 2013. Every thirty 30 seconds, someone files bankruptcy due to a disabling illness. The Council for Disability Awareness says that over 1 in 4 of today's 20 year old will become disabled before they retire. The reasons and causes for the statistics are many - it does not always have to be carelessness. Simple mistakes could result into accidents, and humans are not immune to making mistakes. That is part of being human. Reason why we take pains training people in our companies to do their work properly, and to use machinery and equipment in the right way. Information and training helps us do things instinctively without much though. We all hope no such accident or critical illness befall any of our family members. Accidents and illnesses can throw surprises and wreak havoc on our finances. The next best thing is to be prepared at all times. So we mention the statistics not to create fear, but to educate people and hopefully see informed choices done. Information should instead spur people to act and take precautionary measures. If something happens to you, are you prepared financially? Will your family survive without going bankrupt? No one relishes facing these questions, much less answer them. But these are real questions that need to be answered and addressed. Even if the answers are painful.