Publisher's Synopsis
If you are running your own business and are wondering why things are not getting better, then "Business Growth Levers" may just be the book to read. Reconnect with your vision and goals for the business. Improve the systems so that you save time and money. Use your strengths in leading an effective team. Enjoy your work and have time for family and fun. Each chapter is about 2 pages long, and covers a huge range of topics from "Difficulty Coping with Stress" and "Being a better Leadership" to "Confusion between Profit and Cash Flow" and "Reducing Waste and Inefficiency." In other words, the title can best be described as an encyclopedia of business advice, which can be read in a couple of days, and which may just provide that new idea or spark that will set the wheel in motion for future business success. Each topic is clearly discussed and contains a large number of hints, tips, quotations, and examples. In other words, the authors speak with authority and know this topic well. Clara Noble is an Amazon Best Selling Author, having written part of Ready Aim Excel with Marshall Goldsmith, Ken Blanchard and Cathy Greenberg amongst other great Business Coaches. Marshall Goldsmith, 2 million-selling author of the New York Times bestsellers, MOJO and What Got You Here Won't Get You There wrote "Small business owners need to reconnect to what inspired them to start their business. Business Growth Levers will help you to step back and refocus on the important issues. Without technical jargon, this is a clearly written guide that any business owner can relate to and determine how to get to where they want to be. More than creating a more profitable business, it's about what you can learn to become a successful business owner and to improve virtually everything you do." Scroll up and hit the 'Buy Now' button