Publisher's Synopsis
The world is at war with an invisible enemy. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the rulers of darkness. Principalities and powerful ideologies have created a monster of sorts. Terrorism and wanton hate for humanity are rooted in the doctrines of demons. Men have fought and died to win the right to justify their sins, while entire nations lay bare in the indignity of utter ruin. These are the reality in which we live but the question which needs to be answered is why.
This book is based on the simple truth that so many different teachings and philosophies can not be all true. While some truth may exist, they cannot be all correct. This book points us to Jesus and directs us back to the foot of the cross. The way of the cross leads us home to a quiet place of solace. Only love can change a bitter heart. No amount of teaching can make one wise. This book is loaded with simple stories with deep meaning. Hate will not prevail against the Church of the living God! This book was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. God has anointed me to share His love with the American People, who for too long has been lied to and taken advantage of by false teachers who were not ordained by the Holy Spirit to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
This book was written for the pleasure of reading. Anyone who begins to read, will not be able to put it down until he or she is finished. It is written in plain language with the absence of vulgarity or negative undertones. All the accounts expressed are true. This book is not fictional. Be objective while you read!