Publisher's Synopsis
Seven poets from three countries, forty pages each, and no rules - this is Burning Gorgeous, an anthology of new, experimental poetry edited and published by the poets themselves. In contrast to most of the western poetry published today, these poems have been written and published outside academia by poets who found each other in an Internet poetry forum. WHY BURNING GORGEOUS? Burning can be passionate or corrosive or destructive, but it is always full-force. Gorgeous things are more than beautiful; they seem flawed or even ugly at first, because the new is always dissonant, always strange. --- With this book you get seven books. You get the manifesto of a romantic scrawled on mummy toilet paper, the diary of an alien child with a brain the size of three yellow-pages, the psalter of a martyr scrawling his own ecstasy upon the violence of others, the ship's log of Marco Polo Mouse, the textbook that infinitely writes itself, the collected dictations of a stenographer with exploding head syndrome, and the apocrypha of a prophet who can't see five minutes ahead. All in all, quite a bargain, I'd think. -Don Zirilli, Editor of Now Culture. The poets: William Fairbrother, Pamela O'Shaughnessy, J. R. Pearson, Steve Parker, Beth Vieira, Greg Grummer, David Mehler.