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Building a House of Faith

Building a House of Faith

Paperback (24 Jul 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Beth Fawley is a follower of Christ, the wife of David Frawley, mother of four, and an architect. This book tells the story of building a house with her parents. With the intent of a multi-generational living solution to help in caring for her parents who were dealing with serious health issues, and giving her children the benefit of growing up with their grandparents love and enrichment. Building the house became much more that merely a construction project. It became a spiritual journey of growth through the building process and years spent in the house they built together. Through the metaphor of God as Master Architect, the book explores Biblical truths about life and testifies to the grace and power of God to accomplish the things God has determined for us to do. It proposes that God has a plan and blueprint for each of our lives. We are each a unique expression of God, and like the construction of a house, there is the purchase price, the site preparation, laying a foundation and all of the phases of construction, with the goal that God's Spirit will dwell within our hearts so that His love can shine forth in a world that needs redemption.

Book information

ISBN: 9798894123707
Publisher: C. Beth Frawley
Imprint: C. Beth Frawley
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 162
Weight: 227g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 9mm