Building a Family

Building a Family

Paperback (05 Nov 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book has been written for parents who have used donor insemination to build their families and also for those considering whether donor insemination is the right option for them.

The parents who share their stories in this book tell of the range of thoughts and feelings that they experienced from the time they discovered they needed help to build their families. They discuss the issues the faced concerning the decision to be honest and open with their children and how they talked with them.

Here Ken Daniels brings together information from interviews with parents who have used donor insemination and those considering doing so. This interview material offers the reader unique insights from those who have built their families with the assistance of DI.

Book information

ISBN: 9781912886074
Publisher: Donor Conception Network
Imprint: Donor Conception Network
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 278
Weight: 378g
Height: 148mm
Width: 211mm
Spine width: 19mm