Building Healthy Communities Through Medical-Religious Partnerships

Building Healthy Communities Through Medical-Religious Partnerships

Third edition

Paperback (07 Aug 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

How can religious and health care organizations work together to create community-based health care programs?

Because health care works best when patients assume greater responsibility for their own health, community outreach and patient education are essential. But where can health care organizations find the resources to educate large numbers of people about chronic diseases? How can they tailor programs to meet the needs of increasingly diverse communities? And how can they reach people who have no ties to the health care system?

Building Healthy Communities through Medical-Religious Partnerships presents an innovative approach to community-based health education and patient advocacy programs targeted at the prevention and management of disease. Offering valuable guidance for religious and medical leaders interested in developing programs in their congregations and communities, the book includes practical and accessible information for establishing health education programs, identifies additional resources that can be obtained from local and national organizations, and discusses a range of medical topics. It also outlines how to train volunteers to assist others in navigating our complex health system.

This latest edition, which has been thoroughly revised and updated, incorporates

 new chapters on medical topics across the lifespan, including lung disease, kidney disease, and child and adolescent health issues;
 a thorough assessment of medical-religious partnerships that have emerged over the past twenty-five years; and
 a user-friendly website with downloadable resources-including an instructor's guide, PowerPoint slides, and ready-made handouts.

Book information

ISBN: 9781421425801
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press
Imprint: Johns Hopkins University Press
Pub date:
Edition: Third edition
Language: English
Number of pages: 280
Weight: 388g
Height: 151mm
Width: 228mm
Spine width: 21mm