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Bug Club Phonics - Phase 2 Unit 3: Kit and Dog

Bug Club Phonics - Phase 2 Unit 3: Kit and Dog - Bug Club Phonics

1st edition

Paperback (08 Sep 2010)

  • $7.92
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Publisher's Synopsis

Excite your children and give them a firm foundation in phonics.   Part of the Bug Club family, Bug Club Phonics aims to help children learn to read by the age of six in a fun and accessible way. Following the order of Letters and Sounds, the Bug Club Phonics programme matches the National Curriculum and Early Learning Goals and ensures children read from books with the sounds they know as they are learning to read.   Ideal for home learning.   Kit notices a fish on the worktop. Together she and Dog hatch a plan to reach it. Slowly but surely they work together to get the fish Part of the Bug Club reading series used in over 3500 schools Helps your child develop reading fluency and confidence Suitable for children age 4-5 (Reception) Book band: Pink A Phonics phase: 2.

Book information

ISBN: 9781408260166
Publisher: Pearson Education
Imprint: Pearson Education
Pub date:
Edition: 1st edition
Language: English
Number of pages: 8
Weight: 36g
Height: 190mm
Width: 200mm
Spine width: 6mm