Publisher's Synopsis
The Brookings Institution introduces a series of annual volumes that provide the most authoritative and in-depth analysis available on current and emerging issues in international trade. Each edition will present a series of papers on a particular theme prepared by leading experts in the field. Discussions of the papers by other leading trade practitioners will also be included. This first edition focuses on private practices and trade policy, examining the future of international rules on antidumping and competition. Contents include: "Antidumping and Antitrust: What Problems Does Each Address?" by Alan Sykes, University of Chicago "Antidumping: What Does the Evidence Show?" by Bobby Willig, Princeton University "Unilateral and Bilateral Experience" by Merit Janow, Columbia University "Regional Agreements" by Bernard Hoekman, The World Bank "Multilateralizing Competition Policy Conventions: Foundations and Guidelines" by J. David Richardson, Syracuse University "Political Economy of Competition Policies" by I.M. Destler, University of Maryland.