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Broken Into Brilliance Volume II

Broken Into Brilliance Volume II A Collection of Stories from Beautiful, Brilliant, Courageous, and Determined Women - Broken Into Brilliance

Paperback (17 Aug 2018)

  • $17.66
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Publisher's Synopsis

Broken Into Brilliance (Volume 2) is a collection of short stories from powerful, brilliant, courageous, and determined women who are ready to spread their message by sharing their stories. This book features amazing women from different walks of life, who have gained strength and wisdom from their past while learning to move forward. The book's visionary, Tanicia "Shamay Speaks" Currie, believes that God has the power to show us that through times when you may have felt broken, there's beauty in coming out of that broken place and overcoming those broken feelings. Being able to breakthrough the rough times or circumstances in life is what plays a role in your brilliance as one steps out into their purpose. We all have a story that can provide someone with insight, inspiration, and motivation. Being a five time author herself, Tanicia believes that sharing your story can be the first step to healing and overcoming your past experiences as she feels her first published book served as her therapy process. Always have faith in knowing that you can still be brilliant and resilient despite the cards life has dealt you. Be encouraged and know you can be healed!

Book information

ISBN: 9780996672955
Publisher: Shamay Speaks
Imprint: Shamay Speaks
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 184
Weight: 277g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 11mm