Publisher's Synopsis
Rose, Faith, Grace and Joy are back, except this time they are only
kids. Growing up in the streets of Dallas, Tx with images that was not
designed for them, but was for a purpose. - Rose was born with only one sibling of each gender and their mother
passed away when she was only nine years of age. She was raised by her
jealous aunt and uncle whom did not seem to care about anything they
did. With a sister running the streets and her brother being an addict.
Rose took a turn around in her life and dedicated herself to being a beer
person and trying to make her mother proud. That road was not easy and
she took upon her siblings' burdens and tried her best to come out on the
brighter side. - Faith was Daddies little girl. He bought her everything she ever wanted
and her life was amazing. Until something tragic happened in her life and
she was forced to live a different lifestyle. She started looking for love in all
the wrong places, which only gave her heartbreak and pain in the end. - Grace Loved the hood and her parents didn't pay her any mind. Her
mother worked all day and night and her dad stayed at home sing on
the couch drinking his life away. Grace found the streets and made it out
of the best life for her. When she meets Abraham the Pastor's son, her life
changed in so many positive ways. She left the streets and went head first
into trying to be a part of the first family at the church. What she didn't
know is how it will all turn out to be in her future. -Joy didn't have much luxury while growing up with her mom only. She
never got a chance to meet her father, but she did get a chance to me
plenty of other men in her life. Her mother raised her as best as she could
and nobody could tell her different. The day that Joy decides to run away,
that is when her life started on the other side of the tracks. Message From the Author:
"God creating us in his image, didn't mean that we would be born into
the perfect family, or have the perfect friends or environments. Birthing
purpose out of pain is not easy, but it is possible and can be done. Getting
back to the image that God has ordained for us, will take you through
battles, trials and road trips that you did not ask for. I pray this book gives
us all some clarity on our own childhood trauma and realize that we can
get through this, and sometimes it takes the right circle, the right help, and
the right patience to have with yourself. Love yourself and embrace your
ups and down's. Get your Image Back
kids. Growing up in the streets of Dallas, Tx with images that was not
designed for them, but was for a purpose. - Rose was born with only one sibling of each gender and their mother
passed away when she was only nine years of age. She was raised by her
jealous aunt and uncle whom did not seem to care about anything they
did. With a sister running the streets and her brother being an addict.
Rose took a turn around in her life and dedicated herself to being a beer
person and trying to make her mother proud. That road was not easy and
she took upon her siblings' burdens and tried her best to come out on the
brighter side. - Faith was Daddies little girl. He bought her everything she ever wanted
and her life was amazing. Until something tragic happened in her life and
she was forced to live a different lifestyle. She started looking for love in all
the wrong places, which only gave her heartbreak and pain in the end. - Grace Loved the hood and her parents didn't pay her any mind. Her
mother worked all day and night and her dad stayed at home sing on
the couch drinking his life away. Grace found the streets and made it out
of the best life for her. When she meets Abraham the Pastor's son, her life
changed in so many positive ways. She left the streets and went head first
into trying to be a part of the first family at the church. What she didn't
know is how it will all turn out to be in her future. -Joy didn't have much luxury while growing up with her mom only. She
never got a chance to meet her father, but she did get a chance to me
plenty of other men in her life. Her mother raised her as best as she could
and nobody could tell her different. The day that Joy decides to run away,
that is when her life started on the other side of the tracks. Message From the Author:
"God creating us in his image, didn't mean that we would be born into
the perfect family, or have the perfect friends or environments. Birthing
purpose out of pain is not easy, but it is possible and can be done. Getting
back to the image that God has ordained for us, will take you through
battles, trials and road trips that you did not ask for. I pray this book gives
us all some clarity on our own childhood trauma and realize that we can
get through this, and sometimes it takes the right circle, the right help, and
the right patience to have with yourself. Love yourself and embrace your
ups and down's. Get your Image Back