Publisher's Synopsis
New love is always magical when you are young . . . everything is seen with a brightness and clarity that shines like a brand new world. Colors are vibrant, food tastes magnificent, and happy wistful thoughts make for perfect dreams of a "happily ever after" life. Lucas and Sophie's honeymoon lingered into days spent laughing and teasing each other at the ocean at Myrtle Beach, discussing the future on the way to Washington, D. C., and exploring the deep passion they felt for each other in the mountains of Tennessee--even get caught skinny-dipping. Sharing a perfect life as newlyweds, traveling around the country while photographing little children at school made their lives seem like a fantasy that would last forever. Bigger dreams took hold, which meant settling into more stable jobs in stable neighborhoods while raising their family. The routine of ordinary days set in; mundane, routine mind-numbing tasks took over, and the fantasy life faded as did the love of young romance when it turned into real adult responsibilities. Lucas could see the fairy tale life slipping away. He was losing his precious Sophie and his family--he couldn't let that happen--he wouldn't! It was that resolve that set him on a course to change all of their lives. Breath of Life will make you believe again that love is precious and dear--something to cherish, to hold on to, something worth fighting for no matter the risk . . . no matter what it takes.