Publisher's Synopsis
Intense. Tough-Minded. Sentimental.
Borrowed Wings is a memoir of resilience. This kaleidoscopic telling reveals the indomitable spirit of Mary Love as she grows up in central New Jersey. Mary's biological father has been a mystery to her for years. She eventually finds out that she was born from infidelity. The family never recovers from his absence; depression and addiction infiltrate their lives. Mary knows her experiences of neglect, abuse, grief, and child protective service visits are far from ordinary. Gradually, she develops methods to cope with her turbulent home life and prepares for what lies ahead in high school and adulthood. As she navigates traumatic events and a spiritual awakening, Mary embarks on a journey of self-discovery and finds solace in the unknown. With support from her spiritual guides and the power of meditative yoga, Mary gains the transformative power to push through the suffering and trepidation to create a life she deserves.