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Bookclub-in-a-Box Discusses The Paris Wife

Bookclub-in-a-Box Discusses The Paris Wife The Complete Package for Readers & Leaders

Paperback (20 Jan 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Ernest Hemingway was larger than life and created his own personal and professional mythical status. Paula McLain brings us an intimate portrait of Hadley Richardson, Hemingway's first wife. Hadley, a lovely and talented young woman in her own right, met Hemingway and was swept off her feet by this young man who was eight years her junior. McLain draws a superb portrait of the Hemingways' magical time traipsing around Europe with their friends. She poignantly demonstrates how their enchanted relationship systematically falls apart. Bookclub-in-a-Box has created a comprehensive guide to Paula McLain's novel, The Paris Wife, and includes reflections on the personality and perceptions of Hadley Richardson and Ernest Hemingway; Hadley's influence on her husband; Hemingway's progress in breaking into the literary world; and the high life and exciting times of Paris in the 1920s.Every Bookclub-in-a-Box discussion guide includes complete coverage of the themes and symbols, writing style, and interesting background information on the novel and the author.

Book information

ISBN: 9781927121009
Publisher: Bookclub-In-A-Box
Imprint: Distributed via Smashwords
Pub date:
Number of pages: 87
Weight: 194g
Height: 230mm
Width: 155mm
Spine width: 8mm