Publisher's Synopsis
Book of Saints Part 1 978-0-89942-295-4
The Book of Saints 1 is an ideal gift for a child's First Holy Communion, Christmas or Easter.The St. Joseph Picture Books Series is a magnificent series of religious books for children, superbly illustrated in full color and simply written, that will help all children to better understand the Catholic Faith. These books are ideal for home or school. The St. Joseph Picture Books Series is intended to help teach the basics of the Catholic Faith to children in an enjoyable manner. The books in the Series deal with one or more of the following themes: (1) the teachings of the Church, (2) the Christian way of life, and (3) our Catholic worship (including both public and private prayers and devotions). Each book also carries the Imprimatur, assuring that the contents are in line with Church teaching. Among the features of this book are:
- Vibrant full-page, full-color illustrations
- Durable sewn paperback binding
- St. Patrick and St. Augustine commentary
- High-quality paper
- Conveniently sized at 5 1/2" X 7 ⅜" to accommodate little hands
- Budget-friendly price point
- Imprimatur
- Nihil Obstat
Saints were regular people just like us! They had challenges and made mistakes, but they always trusted God and tried their best to do His will. For example, St. Francis of Assisi cared for the poor and animals, showing kindness to everyone. St. Therese of Lisieux taught us to do small things with great love. Each saint has a unique story that inspires us to grow in faith.
One of the most important things about saints is that they pray for us. Even though they are in heaven, they are part of God's family and want to help us. We can ask them to pray for us just like we would ask a friend or family member.
The saints remind us that holiness isn't just for priests or nuns--it's for everyone! By learning about their lives, we see how to be patient, brave, forgiving, and generous.
Catholic saints are like our spiritual heroes and role models. They teach us how to love God and others, helping us on our journey to heaven. With their example and prayers, we can grow closer to Jesus every day! Saints included in this edition are:
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- St. John Bosco
- St. Patrick
- St. John Baptist de la Salle
- St. Anthony of Padua
- St. Thomas More
- St. Anne
- St. Lawrence
- St. Pius X
- St. Peter Claver
- St. Vincent de Paul
- St. Teresa of Avila
- St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
- St. Isaac Jogues
- St. Stephen