Publisher's Synopsis
WARNING: This is not the actual book "The Fellowship of the Ring" by J.R.R. Tolkien. Do not buy this "Review" if you are looking for a full copy of this great book. This review will help you follow the often cirumlocutious quest as four Hobbits, two Men, one Dwarf, an Elf, and a Wizard seek to destroy the ring and save Middle-earth from a second darkness. "The Fellowship of the Ring" presents the fictional history of Middle-earth, laying a foundation for the other books in the trilogy: "The Two Towers" and "The Return of the King." This review aids your understanding as Tolkien creates races, along with their languages, cultures, histories, legends, customs, and prejudice, all with intricate lineages. Long, descriptive paragraphs become the norm, but it's not so bad once you get used to them. Additionally, a great deal of this information is presented in verse and song, the repetition much like a lullaby if read late at night. It's hard to believe that excitement could come from that, but it really does, and with this review at your side, you are ready to get the most out of every page. J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Fellowship of the Ring" opens with Bilbo Baggins celebrating his 111th birthday. He gives Frodo, a Hobbit, the deed to Bag End and a golden ring sought by the Dark Lord Sauron for centuries. The Wizard Gandalf knows the ring gives Sauron power, so he sends Frodo to the Elves in Rivendell for safety. A council, aptly named "The Fellowship of the Ring," forms to decide the fate of the One Ring.