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Bony At Bermagui

Bony At Bermagui

Paperback (01 Apr 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

On a signboard at Cobargo I read the magic word 'Bermagui'. "That's the place Zane Grey wrote about," remarked my son. "That's the place I'm looking for," I decided. And what a place! Oh, what a place. The air like wine and as cool as that in the green ferntree depths of the gully beside my mountain home! The surf everlastingly playing its music on the sand beach before the town, and the great rocky headland to seaward...

Arthur Upfield was Australia's first international crime writer when he first stayed at Bermagui around the time of Zane Grey's visit there in 1936. This book holds a previously unknown Bony story set in Bermagui, The Fish That Danced on its Tail, an unpublished story on Big Game Fishing, and stories on Marlin and Swordfish that Upfield wrote only for the Bermagui Anglers Club. Also included are a chapter from his classic Bony novel, The Mystery of Swordfish Reef, and the only other Bony story - A Wisp of Wool and Disk of Silver and many photographs from the Upfield family archives.

Book information

ISBN: 9781922698209
Publisher: eBook Alchemy Pty Ltd
Imprint: ETT Imprint
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 84
Weight: 173g
Height: 234mm
Width: 156mm
Spine width: 6mm