Publisher's Synopsis
Bobby's Journey Part 1 "The Medicine Wheel" A story of love, faith, and courage Living in the Rocky Mountains of Montana near the Lakota Indian reservation, a young settler boy, Bobby and his dad Elliott, are befriended by the Sioux chief and his family. Kicking Eagle, a young Indian brave, and Bobby have many adventures in the mountains. Bobby falls in love with Wind Song, the beautiful sister of Kicking Eagle and the daughter of the Sioux chief. Bobby and his trusted companions, Snuffy, a flop-eared mule, Diamond, his faithful dog and a "crazy eagle" embark on a spiritual journey into the Bear Tooth Mountains. Sent by Chief Big Sky on a "spirit walk" to find the sacred Medicine Wheel and his purpose in life, Bobby begins his awesome journey. A spiritual encounter with the Great White Wolf and a battle with a giant Rocky Mountain grizzly bear make Bobby's Journey, "one to remember". Only fifty yards separated Bobby from the most ferocious wild animal in the Rocky Mountains, the giant grizzly bear. With his arms and hands, shaking uncontrollably, Bobby cocked and raised his Winchester rifle to his shoulder. Drawing a deep breath to calm his nervousness, he took dead aim at the chest of the grizzly. "Diamond, sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you." Before he could pull the trigger on his rifle, the Montana monster dropped to all fours. Bobby hissed in frustration. Lowering the barrel of the rifle slightly to get a better look at what the enormous animal was going to do, Bobby and the giant grizzly locked eyes. The giant bear let out a vicious, bloodcurdling roar as the silver hair on its back stood straight up. The snow was six inches deep and still falling when the grizzly started his death run. The giant grizzly splashed through the freshly fallen snow, gaining speed with every thunderous stroke of his powerful legs and paws. Bobby fumbled with his rifle and cowered as he gasped at a ghostly image of Elliott that appeared suddenly between him and the bear. "P-pop?" he said. Elliott seemed to smile and wave. Flabbergasted by the image, Bobby blinked his eyes but the vision of his dad was still there. The massive grizzly burst through the image of Elliott, slobbering and roaring. Within an instant, Bobby's eyes changed from fright to sheer determination, as he raised his rifle. "This bear's for you, Pop." With lightning speed, Bobby discharged five rounds into the galloping monster. Not slowing down in the least, the enraged, wounded grizzly bear continued his death run. The bullets barely jerked the shoulders back on the giant. Bobby cocked his rifle for the sixth time, aimed right between the bear's eyes and pulled the trigger. The click of an empty chamber echoed in his ears. It was too late to run. Bobby closed his eyes and awaited the impact of an enraged, fifteen hundred pound, twelve foot, wild, wounded grizzly bear. With what he thought was his last breath, Bobby prayed. "Save me O' Great Father."