Board Recruitment and Orientation

Board Recruitment and Orientation A Step-By-Step, Common Sense Guide 3rd Edition

3rd REV and Expanded ed.

Paperback (01 Apr 2008)

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Publisher's Synopsis

3rd Edition - Revised and Expanded (Includes Free CD, available by mail, of all the forms in the book) Does your organization have a better program for recruiting and training the janitor than recruiting and training its board members? This step-by-step manual will help you create a strong recruitment and orientation program, putting your board on the road to increased effectiveness. Whether your board needs minor tweaks or a major overhaul, you will find yourself coming back to this common sense guide again and again. This no-nonsense manual, with dozens of samples, checklists, forms and real life stories, will show you: How changing your recruiting mindset can ignite your recruitment efforts What qualities board members MUST have (they may not be what you think!) Where to find prospects and who should do the looking How to 'uninvite' a prospect when the fit isn't right How new board members can hit the ground running the moment they're appointed - and earlier! Your organization's best recruiting tool How to get the most from folks who just aren't board material And more!

Book information

ISBN: 9780971448278
Publisher: Resolve, Inc. D/B/A Renaissance Press
Imprint: Resolve, Inc. D/B/A Renaissance Press
Pub date:
Edition: 3rd REV and Expanded ed.
DEWEY: 658.422
Language: English
Number of pages: 183
Weight: 449g
Height: 210mm
Width: 280mm
Spine width: 10mm