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Bluffer's Guide to Social Media

Bluffer's Guide to Social Media

Paperback (04 Jun 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Instantly acquire all the knowledge you need to pass as an expert in the world of social media. Know what to say, what not to say, what to post, what not to post, and what excuses to make if you don't know the difference between a tweet and a dweet, or even a retweet (which, any tweeple worth their salt will know is always called an RT). Never again confuse a LOL with an ROFL, a selfie with a shelfie, or Godwin's Law with the Streisand Effect. Bask in the admiration of your fellow social media aficionados as you pronounce confidently on the chances of Facebook going the way of Friends Reunited and Bebo, and why MySpace could be the Casio keyboard of the 21st century. Above all don't hold back when it comes to saying what you really think of trolls, pointing out that there has never yet been one who had a healthy mental attitude, a steady job and the requisite intelligence to write anything worth reading. Written by experts and offering readers the opportunity to pass off appropriated knowledge as their own, the Bluffer's Guides provide hard fact masquerading as frivolous observation in one witty, easy read.

Book information

ISBN: 9781785212291
Publisher: Haynes Publishing
Imprint: Haynes
Pub date:
DEWEY: 302.231
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 128
Weight: 116g
Height: 166mm
Width: 114mm
Spine width: 12mm