Publisher's Synopsis
Aquaponics book, 'Blueprints for Painless Gardening' is our way of helping other 'DA VETERANS' and Those with Physical Disabilities or Health Limitations, enjoy gardening, again. Trout River Aquaponics provides 12 Aquaponics Books, each with complete plans to build or adapt your own aquaponics system and save money doing it. Our goal during this COVID 19 Pandemic is to become more self-sufficient by growing our own food, even though we are prone to the aches and pains of in-ground gardening at retirement age. Aquaponics is not new, dating back to 450 B.C. in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, but it is new to us. Like so many others we searched the internet but, there were too many self proclaimed experts. Knowing our limitations and with complete faith in ourselves the journey began. We designed, built and tested our growing systems, working-out any flaws as we went. After years of work we realized others could benefit from our experience. We wrote and illustrated 12 individual project specific eBooks (plus one), each one a complete guide to build an Aquaponics grow system. We have removed most of the problems for you. Our eleventh eBook is a compilation of all 10 of the Aquaponics projects seen in our 20'x30' backyard today.FYI; Lisa is an Architect using AutoCAD and she is an experienced Photographer. I am/was an FAA Technical Writer, ATC Master Training Specialist. Our Aquaponics Books are clear, concise and easy to understand. Yet, For Schools, they would be more training syllabus or workbook quality for both Teachers and Students. Each of the pictures and drawings in our books are our hard work and simplify your project. Please give our 'Trout River Aquaponics: 'Blueprints for Painless Gardening' a try. For your convenience the ten individual chapters or projects are sold on Amazon, KDP through our website Or on Aquaponics Books for ORGANIC gardening our way, Painlessly.