Blue Bonnets O'er the Border

Blue Bonnets O'er the Border The 79th New York Cameron Highlanders

Book (01 Apr 2001)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Provides an account of the 79th New York Cameron Highlanders, a renowned ethnic regiments of the Union Army which fought in a number of significant battles including the first and second Bull Run and Chantilly, as well as the Carolina coastal campaign and Grant's Vicksburg campaign. B&w illustration

Book information

ISBN: 9781572490529
Publisher: White Mane Books
Imprint: White Mane Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 973.747
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 185
Weight: -1g
Height: 241mm
Width: 165mm
Spine width: 19mm