Blue, Barry & Pancakes 3

Blue, Barry & Pancakes 3 Mount Choco Meltdown - Blue, Barry & Pancakes Series

Paperback (03 Jul 2025)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Meet the funniest trio in town! Despite their differences, they ALWAYS have each other's backs... Barry convinces Blue and Pancakes to enter an epic ice cream sundae-making contest. Blue and Pancakes just want to have fun, but Barry is in it to WIN IT. He is on the ultimate quest: to find the best chocolate ice cream the world has EVER SEEN! The Blue, Barry & Pancakes series is loved by early readers and includes themes like:  Friendship that embraces difference Fun teamwork Creative problem solving.

About the Publisher

Rock the Boat

Book information

ISBN: 9780861549566
Publisher: Oneworld Publications
Imprint: Rock the Boat
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 112
Weight: -1g
Height: 210mm
Width: 152mm