Publisher's Synopsis

Frank Norris was a late 19th century American novelist writing in the naturalist genre. His most famous works include McTeague (1899), The Octopus: A California Story (1901), and The Pit (1903). His works show socialistic tendencies and were influenced by Darwin and Huxley. His work often includes depictions of suffering caused by corrupt and greedy turn-of-the-century corporate monopolies. Blix is an autobiographical novel in which the main character Condy Rivers gets his story ideas from Captain Jack. An excerpt reads, "Bessemer was one of those men who seem entirely disassociated from their families. Only on rare and intense occasions did his paternal spirit or instincts assert themselves. At table he talked but little. Though devotedly fond of his eldest daughter, she was a puzzle and a stranger to him. His interests and hers were absolutely dissimilar. The children he seldom spoke to but to reprove; while Howard, the son, the ten-year-old and terrible infant of the household, he always referred to as "that boy."

Book information

ISBN: 9781438525747
Publisher: Book Jungle
Imprint: Book Jungle
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 140
Weight: 254g
Height: 235mm
Width: 191mm
Spine width: 8mm