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Blackstone's Statutes on Evidence

Blackstone's Statutes on Evidence - Blackstone's Statute Books

5th Edition

Paperback (11 Oct 1999)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This edition has been revised to cover recent legislation, including the effects of the Police Act 1997, the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and the Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Act 1998. Also contained in this text is the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1990.

Book information

ISBN: 9781854319333
Publisher: Blackstone
Imprint: Blackstone
Pub date:
Edition: 5th Edition
DEWEY: 345.4206
DEWEY edition: 21
Number of pages: 354
Weight: -1g
Height: 222mm
Width: 152mm