Publisher's Synopsis
Published with assistance from in November 2022, BLACK LADIES: Girls, Queens & Goddesses by award-winning designer and artist Sun Child Wind Spirit is the artist's debut picture book and the first released in the "Graphic Excursion Into The Black Fantastic" series. Compiled by Mylia Tiye Mal Jaza using select original Sun Child Wind Spirit visual art images created with the use of AI software, this work seeks to celebrate myriad facets of Black womanhood through depictions set in past, present, future and fantasy milieus. The artist's hope with releasing these graphics created over a 20-day period will empower women of Aboriginal and African descent around the world.
"I want Black females of all ages to celebrate their natural beauty and inherent strength. That enhances love for self and others without sacrificing morals or femininity," the Mississippi native and Illinois resident said. "There are not enough images, at least not positive ones, that can be readily accessed when you do any web search on us. A lot of what you see, even on the graphic arts side, are a lot of hypersexualized depictions of the female form without regard for the desire of onlookers for the beautiful image to offer more." Sun Child Wind Spirit added, "It is my prayer that every Black woman picking up this book will see themselves on at least a few pages and will be inspired to do what they know they need to do to achieve that best representation of themselves that they still seek. I want this book, and every book to come in the series, to leave a positive imprint on the self-esteem of women to help usher societies to their more peaceful and ethical states." Available as a hardback, BLACK LADIES: Girls, Queens & Goddesses by Sun Child Wind Spirit may also be purchased worldwide as a paperback from bricks-and-mortar and online book retailers.