Black Box: Design Space

Black Box: Design Space

Paperback (05 Dec 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A collection of schematic drawings and paintings of the various spaceships and technology discovered throughout the many stories within the BLACK BOX CHRONICLES anthology graphic novel, illustrated by Shane Molina.
Based on the BLACK BOX CHRONICLES anthology written by Horrible Future cofounders MARK SCHEY and CHRIS NORTHROP, this stellar volume includes artwork by celebrated award winners and nominees such as DAVID MACK (Daredevil, Kabuki), MICHAEL AVON OEMING (Powers, Bulletproof Monk), ZACH HOWARD (Hellboy, Wild Blue Yonder), ERYK DONOVAN (Memetic, Quantum Teens are Go), MARCO FODERA (Nathan Never), GAVIN SMITH (Star Trek: Mirrorverse), TORU TERADA (Small World), DAVID MESSINA (Star Wars: Han Solo & Chewbacca, 3Keys), GIOVANNI RIGANO (Global, Artemis Fowl), DREW MOSS (The Crow, Red Sonja), CHRISTIAN DIBARI (Revolvers, Providence of Madness), TAKI SOMA (Sleeping While Standing, Bitch Planet), MARIO ALBERTI (Spider-man and the Fantastic Four, The Wall), SARAH BASLAIM, FLAVIO DISPENZA, K. MICHAEL RUSSEL and M. SEAN MCMANUS.

About the Publisher

Magnetic Press

We are dedicated to helping creators share their stories with the world. Be they brand new authors seeking to release their first original work or established talent looking for a new haven to share their latest ideas, MAGNETIC PRESS offers a place where the creator is treated as the most critical component to the entire equation. As a publishing service provider, MAGNETIC PRESS not only contributes editorial and production experience, but supports the creator as a true working professional, allowing them to define their own branding and professional requirements.

Book information

ISBN: 9781951719821
Publisher: Magnetic Press
Imprint: Magnetic Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 640g
Height: 225mm
Width: 288mm
Spine width: 15mm