Publisher's Synopsis
The long-awaited follow-up book to Empowered Birth- a guide to Natural Childbirth Without Fear is so empowering, informative, and from 25 years of experience and passion.
It educates women/couples about their choices and options so they can make informed decisions if and when they need during their pregnancy and labour.
With a foreword by Professor Fiona Stanley A.C., Birth Your Way includes information on the role FEAR in childbirth plays, preparing for your marathon or sprint, stages of labour, waterbirthing, optimal foetal positioning, skilling up your support people so they know how to support you and how it makes a labour of difference and the Cascade of Intervention.
This book emphasises Gabrielle's own philosophy about what it takes to really understand what you need to know to create an empowered, calm, and relaxed birth. It also teaches what the techno-medical model of birth is, and how to avoid it.
Full of positive, real-life birth stories, quotes and lessons, this book empowers women through knowledge to create the birth she truly wants and desires.
"This book is inspiring and eye-opening and provides the straight talk and uncommon good sense that women need, as they embark on the amazing journey of pregnancy, birth, and mothering. Like the best doula, Gabrielle holds a gentle and positive space that allows women's own inner knowing and impetus to unfold"
Dr. Sarah Buckley, author of Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor's Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choice.
"This book is a must for every pregnant woman's bookshelf."
Tina Cassidy, journalist and author of Birth: The Surprising History of How We Are Born
"Birth Your Way is encyclopedic in its depth and breadth-and chock-full of wonderful birth wisdom! Bless you!"Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D.
"Gabrielle in her unique writing style has the ability to intertwine positive labour teaching methods with stories from her clients told in a passionate unique way, with quotes from other authors to support her ideas and understanding of how to create a positive labour and birth experience in the 21st Century. As a doula, Gabrielle's ability to deliver a gentle message is a testament to her years of experience helping thousands of women to birth their babies.
This book is full of information to assist women in becoming aware of the current trends in our hospitals in order for the woman to become empowered and informed fully so that she may create the birth she wants and desires."Debra Pascali Bonaro, founder of DONA, producer/director of Orgasmic Birth and Organic Birth.