Publisher's Synopsis
'bird bath' PreReader BookVolume 31explains squirrels and birds drank out of the same bird bath on the ground. A bird took a bath dirtied the water. Rain washed the bird bath. The birds and squirrels got a clean drink of rain water after the rain.Description and PurposeMethodologyPreReader Sentence Story in a Story'bird bath' PreReader Product Volume 31 was designed as an assisted learning aide in word recognition and beginning comprehension through visual representation-to understand and to be able to read a complete sentence with comprehension. In this Pre-Reader the sentence comprehension is also to put together several sentences that read to the reader a story-sentence story with a complete story combining all sentences to give the reader additional information for a bigger story. Why's there no picture on the cover of the book. The books are designed so that the reader will remember the word to read or reread the book. Comprehension defined as understanding the meaning of what is written.