Publisher's Synopsis
If you love to color abstract designs; if you love to color Zentangled Patterns; if you love to draw or color shading and patterns but are uncomfortable with drawing the base images, this book is for you! This book is full of light and dark line illustrations with >50+ coloring pages that will keep you busy for weeks or months! These images are hand-drawn, so the lines are organic and feel natural versus mechanically perfect. This book also includes bonus coloring pages from the artist's other coloring books - plus - discount codes for future purchases.
The artist, Dawn D. Boyer, Ph.D., has produced a compilation of delightful Zen doodles in this coloring book which allows the colorist to use their imagination in multiple ways with their choice of media. In this book you will find dozens of illustrations created from the artist's hand-drawn original inspired sketches. You will find intermediate to complicated images in this coloring book, including heavy lined drawings with simple shapes and designs and more fine-art styles with varied line weights (thin to medium).
Details about the book: ** Non-perforated pages (you can use an craft knife or razor to remove them)** Glue-bound spine ** Pages are 8.5" x 11" with a half-inch margin, allowing larger images to color of 9" x 7.5"** Two pages of pre-views of drawings in the book should be available on Amazon's "Look Between the Covers" function to see the types of illustrations in the book** Single-Pages - all the Tantalizing Tangle illustrations have blank pages on the back side so you don't have to worry about your 'wetter' media ruining any images on the other side** Paper weight is the thickness of standard paper-back books; some media may bleed through (test first, back with cardboard or plastic!)
What can you do with the book once you have finished? Once the designs in this book are colored - give the books as gifts, use pages as scrapbook background art, create greeting cards, or use the designs and use in multi-media art. Frame them and hang them in the office, classroom, or at home where the designs can continue to inspire friends, family, and co-workers. The possibilities are endless!
Coloring can be cathartic for those needing something that doesn't take a lot of analysis or thought, while allowing them to pick and chose their personal colors to create an artistic masterpiece. The pages of delightful and imaginative illustrations of fairy abodes allows you to relax while you wile away the hours or the day and find peace in your own mind.
How can BIG KIDS (regardless of chronological age) use this coloring book? Whether the co-artist uses crayon, marker, or colored pencil, or paints - or a combination - the beautiful results can be used to pass the time, keep your mind still, go into a personal Zen moment, use your hands in a creative way, or use for a craft project. Once the designs are colored - give the books as gifts, as scrapbook background art, or cut out designs for multi-media art. Possibilities are endless!