Publisher's Synopsis
Have you ever struggled between knowing and doing God's will? You are not alone. Jeremiah's journey of obedience reveals the challenges he experienced as he sought to understand and fulfill God's purposes for his life. Even after he made the decision to obey God, many pressures and persecutions led him to question whether he had done the right thing. In the process, Jeremiah wrestled with some of life's most difficult questions, questions that we too can face. Reading Jeremiah gives us the opportunity to gain knowledge and perspective about what it means to serve God even in difficult times. It helps us discover practical wisdom for each day as we seek to follow God in the midst of opposition.
Jeremiah shares with us much of his story, more than most prophets. His transparency helps us see not only his challenges, but also his feelings about these experiences. He identified with God's broken heart for his people, and in turn, God identified with Jeremiah's suffering. This makes it difficult to recognize who is speaking at certain times. What are the words describing, God's emotions, Jeremiah's emotions, or both?
This Bible study series is perfect for Christians and non-Christians young and old. It offers an engaging and interactive way to learn the Bible, with discussion topics and valuable teachings that will help you dig deeper into the Scriptures and strengthen your faith. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned Christian, this series will help you grow in your knowledge of the Bible and strengthen your relationship with God. Led by brethren with exemplary testimonies and extensive knowledge of the Scriptures, who meet in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the world.