Publisher's Synopsis
India's collective ethical identity is under duress. We don't seem to currently agree onwhat our collective good is. Some groups believe that India is finally rediscovering itsHindu identity and becoming a great nation-state. For others, this change has broughtus on the verge of losing our civilisational character of being inclusive but not any lessHindu.Is it possible to bring these groups with divergent views to discuss each other's point ofview? And do so reasonably, with an open mind? Rajeev Bhargava thinks it is. Hebelieves that the legitimate concerns of all those disenchanted with the idea of aninclusive, pluralist India can actually be addressed within the basic framework of India'sconstitutional democracy.Through these short, elegant and lucid reflections on contemporary events, he takes thereaders to the founding narrative of the republic and clarifies its ethical ideals. Readersare asked to join the process of reflection, to criticise with empathy, particularly wherethe moral compass to properly guide individual and collective action is lost and offerpositive appraisals where due. If we get the fundamentals of our original ethical visionright, then, Bhargava subtly suggests, we might yet save our country from furtherpolarisation and may even heal some of its divisions