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Beneath Hallowed Ground

Beneath Hallowed Ground

Hardback (15 May 2013)

  • $30.62
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Publisher's Synopsis

Deceit. Treachery. Treasure.

Lieutenant Jackson Prescott, having just survived the cornfield at Antietam in September of 1862, is tasked by President Lincoln to infiltrate a Confederacy group that has obtained five tons of gold for their side.

In the present, the violent death of an FBI informant thrusts Special Agent Jason Sparks into a desperate search for the very same lost gold shipment - and his failure could mean his daughter's life.

Two men separated by one hundred and fifty years face murder and betrayal while they fight to complete their missions. Two men, linked by a vast cache of gold... and the same piece of hallowed ground.

Book information

ISBN: 9781938821172
Publisher: Grey Gecko Press
Imprint: Grey Gecko Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 390
Weight: 726g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 25mm