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Being Woman: A Woman Named Ruth

Being Woman: A Woman Named Ruth

Hardback (10 Feb 2020)

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Paperback (10 Feb 2020) RRP $14.04 $11.86

Publisher's Synopsis

Life can be tough for today's Christian girls.

  • Peer pressure, fickle friends, bullying, and gossip
  • A lack of modest yet stylish clothing
  • Images of air-brushed, anorexic-looking magazine models
  • Bombardment with social media, texts, blogs, and music
  • A hook-up society where purity is scorned

"God gave me an assignment to talk with you girls about being women. Since He created you, His point of view is pretty important. God wants you to know how important you are and how much He loves you." Bethlehem's Naomi begins her story with these words.

What can today's young women learn from a woman who lived thousand of years ago? Plenty! Listen as Naomi tells the story of Ruth from Moab.

In this unique retelling of the book of Ruth, Naomi speaks to today's girls. She tells them how much God loves them and wants the best for their lives. Naomi shows how Ruth was a normal young woman with normal desires for acceptance, meaning, and love. Ruth faces all these obstacles, but she has one important thing going for her--the power of Naomi's God, who then becomes her God.

Book information

ISBN: 9781683147503
Publisher: Reliant Publishing
Imprint: Reliant Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 54
Weight: 254g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 6mm