Publisher's Synopsis
HABIT 2: Begin with the End in Mind is about making sure that each day contributes in a rich, meaningful way to the vision a listener has of life as a whole. Dr Stephen R Covey reveals the way to define both present location and future direction so that the steps taken are always in the right direction. 'Effectiveness does not depend solely on how much effort we expend, but on whether or not the effort we expend is in the right jungle.'
In this in-depth exploration of Habit 2, listeners will hear Dr Covey discuss how all things are created twice: a mental (or first) creation and a physical (or second) creation, and be shown how to design a blueprint for both personal and professional life. The highlight of the habit is when Dr. Covey actually guides the listener through the creation of a Personal Mission Statement-one of the most eye-opening and useful tools an individual can use to chart the course of his or her life.
With simple yet amazingly effective techniques, Dr. Covey helps the listener begin to live by 'design rather than default'. By creating a proactive, principle-centred life, listeners who apply this habit will have an inner compass to guide each day with the end in mind.