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Beechdale Road

Beechdale Road Where Mercy Is More Powerful Than Murder. A True Story.

Paperback (11 Apr 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

On Sunday, June 21, 2020, eighteen-year-old Linda Stoltzfoos 
of Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, was kidnapped and later murdered
 by Justo Smoker-a member of our family. This book is our attempt to share our story of grief, anger, and pain 
but also of unexplainable grace, kindness, and mercy at the hands 
of the Amish community-of which Linda Stoltzfoos was a part.
 We hope that in sharing our story you can experience what it's like
 when undeserved mercy confronts undeniable evil,
 when kindness upends condemnation,
 when heaven engages hell.

Book information

ISBN: 9798989915316
Publisher: Beechdale Road
Imprint: Beechdale Road
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 152
Weight: 154g
Height: 198mm
Width: 129mm
Spine width: 9mm