Publisher's Synopsis
This book is for you if you are forever doing things you don't want to do, spending time with people you don't want to spend time with, and answering questions that are too private to answer; in other words, if you find yourself living your life by other people's rules and wishes, rather than your own. This book is for you if you have all sorts of blocks that stop you advocating for yourself: such as guilt, people-pleasing, conflict-avoidance, fear of being unkind, fear of hurting them and so on - and the feeling you're not allowed to let and of those go. In short, this book is for you if you are tired of being a People-Pleasing Passive Pushover and are ready to Become a Boundaries Badass. Starting with resolving all that blocks you from setting boundaries, Danu provides clear exercises, strategies and step-by-step techniques to change your beliefs about what is possible for you, and the way you approach your life and your relationships. The book then guides you through the Art Of Boundaries, going into crystal-clear detail about how exactly you set and - crucially - enforce boundaries in a calm and conflict-free way, by using techniques such as Emphasis Escalation and Conquering Consequences. If you'd like to finally be the boss of your own life, the life-changing information in this book is definitely for you.