Beauty and the Beast: An Illustrated Fairy Tale Classic

Beauty and the Beast: An Illustrated Fairy Tale Classic - Illustrated Fairy Tale Classics

Hardback (07 Dec 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Belle who wanted nothing more than to fight pirates... or be a princess... or explore magical underwater cities.

Belle wanted to go wherever her books could take her. Her favorite spot to begin such adventures was in the garden, nestled among the roses.

Inspired by Villeneuve's original fairy tale as well as Petrus Gonsalvus' true story, Fichter's retelling of Beauty and the Beast marries fact with fiction in an all-new twist, mesmerizing children and adults as they read this mysterious tale of love and friendship time and time again. Bringing the magic to life, Paavo's whimsical watercolor illustrations will keep children coming back for more as Beauty embarks on her hero's journey in this timeless tale of truth, redemption, and love.

Book information

ISBN: 9781949710021
Publisher: Brittany Fichter
Imprint: Brittany Fichter
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 40
Weight: 386g
Height: 225mm
Width: 289mm
Spine width: 10mm