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Beatles Yellow Submarine A Creative Experience, The

Beatles Yellow Submarine A Creative Experience, The Coloring and Activity Book

Paperback (26 Mar 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Come along and board the Yellow Submarine to embark on a gorgeous, trippy adventure of mind-bending color with The Beatles Yellow Submarine Color By Numbers! Whether you're a newcomer or a lifelong Beatles fan, this coloring book is the perfect companion to the 1968 film and its iconic music soundtrack. With more than 50 pages of coloring designs, each stroke of the pencil and pen will bring the Yellow Submarine to life right before your eyes!

About the Publisher

Insight Editions

Insight Editions is a publisher focused on creating superlative illustrated books on photography, music, and popular culture. Lavishly produced and visually stimulating, every volume from Insight is dedicated to the skillful interplay of word and image. The books produced are unique works that combine the highest quality print production values with the time-honored traditions of publishing and rich subject matter. Elegant and informative, books from Insight showcase the best of art and photography in exquisite presentations of the bookmaker's craft.

Book information

ISBN: 9798886635447
Publisher: Insight Editions
Imprint: Insight Editions
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 64
Weight: 266g
Height: 269mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 6mm