Publisher's Synopsis
"Be The Master Of The Game" is a collection of tools I've used to heal from my medical disabilities. Since 2009, I have been diagnosed with "Delusional, paranoid, bipolar, personality disorder and Cluster B personality" also known as schizophrenia. This book series is my personal cure for "delusion", which involves influencing the majority to share in my delusions so that I can appear normal. Being diagnosed as "Delusional" by our Medical Systems, which judges what is or isn't healthy, implies that I have a completely different perspective of reality than our medical professionals. As Einstein once said, "you cannot solve a problem using the same mindset that created the problem", and my diagnosis is an asset to have on a resume when it comes to out-of-the-box ideas. I have predicted current events and proposed solutions, which were both judged as "delusional". But we need a delusional idea to break the cycle and make progress.
The first book in this series focuses on our blind spots and how to find them and use them to our advantage. The next book delves into understanding the Matrix, the environment we are all responding to, and the potentials available to us. I also introduce the concept of "Bottled Intentions", which utilizes what you drink to help you focus on thoughts that serve you. The third book will provide the tools necessary to transform our problems into solutions and explain how Peace Tables work.