Publisher's Synopsis
Begin by believing and build on it...
BE AMAZING is an Acronym and in it lies the secret to truly becoming the best version of yourself!
I feel that everything happens twice. First, in the mind, as your thoughts, or what you visualize. Then, the second time, in reality, as what you do or create.'"
"If you are looking for a way to be inspired to do your very best, then this book is a great place to start. Be Amazing is a simple yet powerful tool to train the brain and attitude to turbocharge your success journey.
Self-development is something we must dedicate ourselves to on a daily basis, which is why you and your family should keep this book close. This information will guide you and keep you on track toward your next level of greatness.
John John's unique perspective gives insight well beyond his years, as he is truly an old soul. By using his method, John John has been able to develop a budding career as a motivational speaker, actor, educator, and magician."
Les & Ona Brown
"The 1st Family Of Motivation"
"Fear kills dreams; it can stop you, and paralyze you. Why? Because it stops you from taking the first step. Does this mean you should live recklessly and without any caution? NO. Putting your hand on a hot stove will burn your hand. Do not go down the dark alley in the middle of the night looking for problems or expecting that this will somehow prove you have no fear." Amazing John John
Here's a sneak peek at what's on the inside of BE AMAZING A Guide to Becoming the Best Version of Yourself:
B--Begin by believing and build on it
E--Escape your FEAR, take the chains off
A--Access your imagination, let it flow, let it grow,
see your goals
M--Make a plan, write it down
A--Act on your plan and never give up
Z--Zest for life is learning. Learn something new every day
I--Inner child needs your love
N--Need to help others, Be helpful
G--Good Times will come when you choose to have fun
Be Amazing, with its companion workbook, is a study for people young and old to be inspired to take action and become the best version of themselves. Even more seasoned participants will have a rejuvenation of the role of positive attitude and action force in daily life.
John John R.F. Humphreys says, "I have some amazing mentors in my life. Mentors I admire like Grant Cardone, Tim Storey, Steve Spangler, Bill Nye, JT Foxx & Les Brown. Coaches I look up to like the Shark Tank cast, Steve Harvey & the late Zig Ziglar & many more I mention in BE AMAZING. My non-fiction reading includes kid CEO books, anything I can get my hands on about science, NASA, space exploration, books on business etiquette, business consulting, customer relations, business law, business writing and science. In fiction my favorite author is Rick Riordan Author of the Percy Jackson books."