Baker Y Taylor: Despegan a La Ciudad Del Espacio (Baker and Taylor: Blast Off in Space City)

Baker Y Taylor: Despegan a La Ciudad Del Espacio (Baker and Taylor: Blast Off in Space City) - Baker Y Taylor

Hardback (27 Dec 2022) | Spanish

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Publisher's Synopsis

Everyone's favorite library cats are on the road again! It's Taylor's birthday and his best buddy Baker has the perfect surprise in store for him in Space City!

Baker and Taylor are in Houston, Texas for the sights, the food, and (of course) a good read at Houston Public Library. But, since this stop on their epic literary road trip coincides with Taylor's birthday, Baker has created an agenda of exciting to-dos that culminates in a surprise for Taylor that's sure to be out of this world. Will Taylor be able to figure it out?!

Facts on Houston and its landmarks are dispersed throughout.

Book information

ISBN: 9781223183978
Publisher: Paw Prints Publishing
Imprint: Paw Prints Publishing
Pub date:
Language: Spanish
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 440g
Height: 258mm
Width: 258mm
Spine width: 10mm