Baby Steps of Faith

Baby Steps of Faith Hope for Your Adoption Journey

Paperback (13 Mar 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Baby Steps of Faith is a unique devotional written to inspire, encourage, and strengthen women dealing with infertility, couples contemplating adoption or in the process, and families adopting in response to a child's need for a forever home. Allow me to share some personal trials and triumphs penned years ago in my adoption journal, and how God's Word brought healing, changed my life, and opened my heart. Learn how to overcome discouraging obstacles of infertility and inferiority. Discover spiritual truths that will equip you to stand and believe, in spite of your fears and doubts, that you were called to adoption. Stretch yourself and your faith to believe that God still has a great plan and purpose for you and it includes parenthood. Yes, even if you're single! Be encouraged as you endure medical nightmares, paperwork trails, social agency requirements, unexpected news, and delays that result in months - even years - of waiting. The challenges can be numerous and varied when you decide to provide love and a home for an orphan. Children are a wonderful gift from the Lord - it's true - but the miracle is how God brings those children to us. It just takes baby steps of faith to discover God cares about you and the orphans. He has a plan for all of us - to bring hope and a future.

Book information

ISBN: 9781941733202
Publisher: Living Parables, Incorporated.
Imprint: Living Parables, Incorporated.
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 240
Weight: 327g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 13mm