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Avoiding Everyday Disasters

Avoiding Everyday Disasters Stop Murdering Your Houseplants, Reheat Leftovers Without Ruining Them, Don't Owe Your Arm and Leg in Credit Card Debt, and Dodge 500 Other Common Pitfalls of Adulting

Paperback (26 Dec 2017)

  • $21.36
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Publisher's Synopsis

Learning from failure is an effective--and entertaining--way to make information stick. This fun and engaging guide showcases tons of common screw-ups and how to avoid them.

Avoid 515 Common Screwups to Save Time, Money, and Face

We all make mistakes--some of which can cost us big in our wallets, our health, our homes, and beyond. This witty guide will help you laugh at your goofs while showing you how to forestall or fix them. The ways in which we flub and flounder are infinite, and this book taps into that boundless fountain of foul ups in a way that will entertain and enlighten you.

You'll learn how to avoid:

*Gluing your fingers together

*Crying over chopped onion

*Pitching a fit while pitching a tent

*Getting stuck in the middle seat

*Screwing up your chance to get a raise

*Spilling coffee on your clean white shirt

*Being unfriended

*Getting eaten by a bear

and much more!

Dodge Disasters in Your

Home DIY Food Appearance Health Car Job
Computer Money Vacation Recreation Relationships

Book information

ISBN: 9781621453703
Publisher: Trusted Media Brands
Imprint: Trusted Media Brands
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 384
Weight: 839g
Height: 251mm
Width: 175mm
Spine width: 20mm