Publisher's Synopsis
Appendices A-H, supporting An Economic Commentary on Exodus
In Appendix A, "The Reconstruction of Egypt's Chronology," Dr. North breaks with the traditional textbook chronology of Egypt and uses a combination of reconstructions, most importantly Donovan Courville's 1971 book, The Exodus Problem and Its Ramifications. He also used the article he persuaded Courville to write for The Journal of Christian Reconstruction, which he edited. Courville relied on Immanuel Velikovsky's shortened chronology. Warning: if you don't know when an event happened, you can't know how it happened.
Appendix B, "The Demographics of Decline," is a study of the zero population growth movement.
Appendix C, "The Labyrinth and the Garden," is a study of certain ancient symbols, including the non-Nazi swastika, which goes back for many centuries.
Appendix D, "The Rule of Law and the Free Market," discusses the crucial concept of the rule of law, which is derived from Exodus 12:48-49. This principle makes the free market possible. North discusses F. A. Hayek's writings on this topic.
Appendix E, "The Economic Implications of the Sabbath," is a study of why it is impossible in the modern world to have everyone cease working on the same day.
Appendix F, "Timing the Lord's Day," investigates the hour that the day should begin: sunset, midnight, or sunrise.
Appendix G, "Macaulay on Democracy," reprints Thomas Macaulay's letter to an American on why he did not think the Constitution would restrict the rise of the modern welfare state. He wrote it in 1857.
Appendix H, "The Epistemological Problem of Social Cost," is an essay on how modern economics has not offered a theoretical case for any kind of government economic policy. If economists were intellectually honest, they would not make policy recommendations. Gary North regards this as one of his Big 3 essays, along with Appendices A and C in his commentary on Genesis, Sovereignty and Dominion. He rewrote this essay slightly to become the book, The Coase Theorem (1991). In that year, Coase won the Nobel Prize in economics.
This series, An Economic Commentary on the Bible, is published by Reconstructionist Radio, a producer and provider of Reformed (Postmillennial, Presuppositional, Covenantal, Calvinist, and Theonomic) Christian Reconstructionist podcasts, audiobooks, lectures, sermons, music, and other media. Content is made available from authors such as Gary North/strong> (Institute for Christian Economics, Point Five Press), David Chilton/strong>, R.J. Rushdoony/strong> (Chalcedon Foundation), Joel McDurmon/strong>, Phil Kayser/strong> (Biblical Blueprints), Greg Bahnsen/strong> (Covenant Media Foundation), Stephen Perks/strong> (Kuyper Foundation), Bojidar Marinov/strong> (Christendom Restored, Bulgarian Reformation), and many more.